Bite 1 On a lonely morning when other elder ladies of the home were away. I was asked to see that our maid do her work properly. This gave me a chance to interact with her much more than I usually engage in. The talks between us moved along lines of Diwali gifts and somehow reached a point that I heard this story from her that left a mark on my mind. So she and many like her feel what we do to earn is predecided in our fate. The example given in reference was that of Jwala temple in Rajasthan. As she narrated, outside this temple, there are a lot of men and women from working age group, physically able and fit who depend only on alms for livelihood. People visiting the temple give money or other things to them. All the good pucca houses around the temple on the hill are owned by these beggars (or professional alms seekers as I wish to call them now on). She, so innocently said and believed that they were blessed and bestowed by the good god who did not wa...